how to fix claw toes
Fix Your Feet | Claw Toe – Fixyourfeet
What you should know about the Foot Overview claw The claw foot is also known as claw fingers. It is a condition in which your toes bend in a position similar to the claw. The claw foot may appear from birth, or your feet may be folded later. Normally it's not a serious problem by itself, but it can be uncomfortable. It may also indicate an underlying medical condition, such as cerebral palsy or diabetes. If you suspect you have a claw foot, make an appointment with your doctor. To prevent the claw foot from getting worse, it is important to get early diagnosis and treatment. When you have a claw foot, the joints of the feet closest to your ankle point, while your other joints of the feet bend. This makes your fingers look like claws. In some cases, the claw foot causes no pain. In other cases, the toes could hurt, and you could develop or hold or ulcers in parts that rub against your shoes. The claw fingers are sometimes misnamed ", but they are not the same. While the two conditions share many similarities, they are caused by different muscles on the foot. The claw foot can be developed as a result of several different conditions. For example, you can develop a claw foot after ankle surgery or ankle injuries. Nervous damage can weaken the feet muscles, leading to imbalances that force the toes to bend with clumsyness. Inflammation can also cause your toes to bend in a position similar to the claw. The underlying disorders that can cause the claw foot include: In some cases, the underlying cause of the claw foot is never identified. Call your doctor if your fingers show signs of becoming claws. They can be flexible at first, but they can be permanently trapped in a position similar to the claw over time. Treatment is necessary to prevent this from happening. Your doctor will also check the underlying disorders that can cause claw foot, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent serious complications and improve their quality of life. To treat the claw foot, your doctor may recommend a combination of medical interventions and home care. Health care If your toes are still flexible, your doctor may record them or ask you to use a styling to keep them in the right position. They can teach you how to perform home care exercises to keep your toes flexible. Your doctor may also encourage you to use certain types of shoes, such as shoes with large toe boxes, avoiding others. If these treatments do not help or the toes have become too rigid, the doctor may recommend surgery. There are several surgical options available, including bone shortening at the base of the toe, giving your finger more space to straighten. If your claw foot is related to an underlying disorder, your doctor may prescribe medications, surgery, or treatments to help address it. Home Care If your toes are still flexible, regular exercises can help relieve your symptoms or prevent it from getting worse. For example, your doctor may encourage you to move your toes towards your natural position, using your hands. Collecting objects with your toes can also help. Using shoes with plenty of space can help relieve discomfort. Do not wear shoes that are too tight or shoes with high heels. If your toes are getting stiffer, look for shoes that have an extra depth in the finger area. You can also use a special pad to help remove the ball pressure from your foot. Home care measures can help improve your symptoms, especially if your toes are still flexible. In some cases, you may need surgery to prevent your toes from becoming permanently clawed. If you have surgery, your toes should heal within 6 to 8 weeks. Ask your doctor for more information about your specific state, treatment options and long-term perspectives. Last medical review on September 26, 2019Read this following
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Claw Toe|Treatment|Causes|Symptoms|Prevention|Complications
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